Offering a Price to Category Wide Quotes


Last Update 10 months ago

1. On the side navigation bar, click on RFQ Conversations.

2. On the RFQ Quotations list, click on the Quote ID or the “View Details” link under the Options column. This will redirect you to the RFQ Conversations page.

3. Click on the “Offer Price” button. This will redirect you to the Offer Price page.

4. Based on the information the buyer has given to you, select a product that you wish to offer to the buyer by clicking on the “Select Suggested Product” dropdown.

5. Fill in the required fields for the Proposed Price and Information form.

6. Click on the “Next” button to submit the form.

7. Wait for a response from the buyer.

Once you have offered a price to the buyer, they have the choice to Counter Offer, Accept, or Reject & Close the quote request. In the case of a Counter Offer, you, the supplier, will have the choice to Counter Offer, Accept, or Reject & Close the quote request.

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