Types of Quote Requests


Last Update 9 months ago

At TEORRA, there are three types of quote requests available:

1. Individual Product Quotes: Buyers raise one Request for Quote (RFQ) to a specific supplier for a particular product of their choice. These quotes are identified by the prefix "PROD" followed by a unique ID.

2. Category Wide Quotes: Buyers raise one Request for Quote (RFQ), which is then sent to multiple suppliers within the same category. Suppliers in that category will receive the RFQ and can submit their quotes, providing the buyer with various options to choose from. The Category Wide Quote IDs are denoted by the prefix "CATEG" followed by a unique ID.

3. Direct Quotes: Suppliers have the option to submit quotes directly to potential buyers without the need for a formal RFQ (Request for Quote). If a buyer messages a supplier seeking a product, the supplier can raise the quote directly within the message inbox, adding product details, quantity, price, and any agreed-upon specifics. These quotes are distinguished by the prefix "DIR" followed by a unique ID.

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